We put your company directly in front of clients and consumers.




Our goal is to cultivate relationships with companies who need our expertise in getting exposure and brad recognition.  We serve promotional companies and advertising agencies that rely on us to provide exceptional service to their clients.

Find the perfect gift

Premium items should be considered based upon goals set when planning your show.  The right promotional products will complement your marketing message, create awareness, and have lasting value.  Consider having two or three levels of gifts for general passes by, interested prospects, and key customers.  Call Altezza to make the whole process easier.  If you want to find premiums that get you noticed, thank your customer or create a whole new image, we're ready to help you!

Go beyond the booth

Promotional products are a vital component of any successful trade show program.  Why not give visitors another reason to remember your message?  Promotionals reinforce brand awareness, maximize ROI, and extend your impression beyond the life of the event.